A1 The name of the club shall be:
Note: Where they occur in the following paragraphs, the initials NASA refer to the North Anston Society of Aeromodellers.
A2 Our aim is to provide the best facilities possible for members whose common interest is the flying of radio controlled fixed wing model aircraft. Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate helicopters or other rotary wing aircraft.
A3 We also advise and assist our members and fellow enthusiasts as much as possible, providing this can be done within the rules of the club.
A4 The club is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (BMFA). Every member of the club will be registered with, and therefore be a member of, the BMFA.
B1 The governance of the club is vested in the Committee.
B2 The Committee shall comprise the Secretary, the Treasurer, and up to five Committee Members who have been members of the club for at least two years and who are cleared to fly alone.
B3 The Secretary will assume the position of Chairman at all club meetings, ie Committee meetings, general club meetings, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and, if called, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). If necessary, the Chairman of the meeting will have a casting vote. In the absence of the Secretary the Committee will appoint a Chairman for the meeting.
B4 Members of the Committee will be voted into office annually at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for all posts on the Committee will be sought at the AGM and nominees will be voted into office for a period of twelve months by a simple majority vote.
B5 Committee decisions will be carried by a majority of the full committee or the unanimous decision of a quorum, consisting of four committee members. This ruling includes ad hoc Committee meetings called by the Secretary at the flying field.
B6 The Committee shall conduct the business of the club in the best interest of the membership and any decisions made by the Committee will be binding; but all changes must be ratified at the next AGM.
B7 Committee members and those members who agree to be on the grass cutting rota will hold Club House keys. (AGM 2021) See Note C7 Below.
B8 In accordance with BMFA recommendations, the Secretary will act as the Club’s Welfare Officer.
B9 Committee Members have the authority to enforce the correct use of all facilities at all times.
B10 The Committee has the power to suspend or dismiss any member whose conduct, following adequate warning, continues to be detrimental to the club generally and which may inhibit continued use of the flying field; or continues to contravene the safety rules of the BMFA and/or the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
B11 The procedure for dismissal will conform with BMFA guidelines which can be found at and selecting Example Constitution. Appendix 1 documents the disciplinary procedure guidelines that will be followed.
B12 The Annual General Meeting will be in November. The financial year will end on the 31 October.
Notice that the AGM is to take place, including the actual date and the venue, will be posted on the Club’s website not less than one calendar month prior to the meeting. In addition, a notice giving details of the forthcoming AGM will be sent to all members on the Club’s email register approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.
Members wishing to have specific items or proposals included in the Agenda for the AGM must inform the Secretary by email not less than two weeks prior to the AGM. All proposals must include the name of the Seconder of the proposal.
Decisions taken at the AGM will be made by a simple majority vote of members present.
B13 Membership fees for the forthcoming year are decided at the AGM and must be paid to either the Secretary or the Treasurer by the 15th January following the Annual General Meeting. If a member does not pay the membership fee by this date that person is no longer a member of the club, is no longer insured by the BMFA through the club, cannot fly at our flying field and must re-apply for membership as a new membership application and pay the current joining fee.
The Secretary and Treasurer will not pay any annual club fees after their first year in office.
B14 An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at any time by the committee or on the written request of any two members to discuss a specific subject.
Notice that an EGM is to take place, including the actual date and the venue, will be posted on the Club’s website not less than two weeks prior to the meeting. In addition, a notice giving details of the forthcoming EGM will be sent to all members on the Club’s email register approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.
Decisions taken at an EGM will be made by a simple majority vote of the members present.
B15 Committee members will be responsible for encouraging all members to assist with the routine maintenance of the flying field, runway, buildings and equipment. They should also be prepared to help prospective and new members and observe the flying behaviour of all members.
B16 The Committee and club members should meet on a regular basis.
B17 The Committee will consider applications from members who wish to become qualified BMFA Examiners.
B18 Should it be considered necessary or desirable to dissolve the North Anston Society of Aeromodellers the following procedure will be followed:-
a) The Committee will call an Extraordinary Meeting in accordance with Item B14. Should a quorum fail to attend the meeting will be adjourned and a second EGM will be called. The second meeting will proceed even if a quorum is not present. The motion to dissolve the Club will be carried by a simple majority vote at either meeting.
b) On dissolution and the finalising of the accounts after any outstanding debts are met and handing back the field and club house, any remaining monies will be donated to BMFA Buckminster to be used as seen fit. (changed AGM 2018)
c) All members will receive a final Statement of Accounts with the AGM agenda prior to the meeting.
B19 Changes to this Constitution can be made only by the proposed change or amendment being submitted to the Secretary by email for consideration at the next Committee meeting. Only if it is accepted unanimously by the full Committee will it be forwarded for discussion at an AGM or EGM and voted on in accordance with Paragraphs B12 or B14 respectively.
C1 Every member must abide by the Club Rules.
C2 Every member of the club is also a member of the BMFA and will be covered by the BMFA Insurance Scheme. Members must abide by the rules, regulations and, where possible, recommendations, of the BMFA and of the CAA as laid down in the current issue of the BMFA Members’ Handbook.
C3 Membership of the club may be limited to a number decided at the Annual General meeting. In deciding the actual number consideration would be given to possible problems with noise, safety, and the wishes of the landowner of the flying field.
C4 Prospective new members must make themselves known to Committee members and should, after a reasonable time actually flying a model at the field, apply for membership submitting the Application for Membership (Club Form 2) for consideration at the next Committee meeting. A successful applicant will be required to pay the appropriate club fees.
C5 New members will be asked to achieve a BMFA Radio Control Achievement Scheme ‘A’ Certificate and submit the form Application to Fly Unsupervised (Club Form 3) to a Committee member for consideration at the next Committee meeting. When agreed, the member will be able to fly at the field when other members are present but without supervision.
C6 Members and potential new members requiring flight training must keep a ‘Log Book’ of their training progress, updated by their Instructor. The log book must be available for inspection by the Instructor before flying.
C7 Members approved to fly unsupervised may, after a minimum of a further two months flying experience, apply for a flying field gate key by completing ‘Club Form 4’ for consideration at the next Committee meeting. (This rule has been superseded by Rule B7 agreed at the 2022 AGM).
Note: Decisions at the AGM 2021 have created an anomaly in this rule (see B7) but we ask any member on the grass cutting rota who has been issued keys not to fly unsupervised until they achieve the required standard and are cleared to fly unsupervised by the committee. We will also ask for these keys to be signed for when issued and be returned when no longer required.
In accepting a gate key you are responsible for the field whilst you are there and other key holders would share that responsibility whilst present. In addition, key holders should consider themselves authorised by the Committee to give such supervision to others as necessary in order to comply with club rules. Such supervision should include ensuring proof of insurance for pilots visiting the field who are not members of NASA (see Rule C8) and a clear understanding of flying field safety. The airworthiness of the models and the pilot’s ability to fly must also be assessed.
Application for a gate key will only be considered if the applicant is willing to accept the responsibilities listed above and have a thorough knowledge of our rules.
C8 Any visitor, non-member or potential new member wishing to fly at the field must complete the Initial Club Contact form (Club Form 1). In addition, they must either:-
a) Be a BMFA member and have their BMFA Membership Card available for inspection by a club field gate-key holder.
b) If not a BMFA member be covered by the BMFA First Time Inexperienced Flyer provision which limits the visitor to 3 separate day visits. This type of insurance becomes operative when Club Form 1 is completed in duplicate and one copy is retained by the applicant.
c) If not a BMFA member, obtain immediate BMFA Temporary Membership for a period of one calendar month from the date applied for by paying the BMFA fee of £5 to any Committee member on completion of Club Form 1, completed in duplicate, and one copy being retained by the applicant. The club Secretary will then inform the BMFA who will issue an official acceptance form which can be shown as proof of membership.
d) If the visitor is from overseas, be covered by being granted BMFA Temporary Membership for a period not exceeding 30 consecutive days, which must be applied for in advance through the club Secretary.
The above conditions apply to all visitors before being allowed to operate a transmitter, start an engine or fly a model at the field, during which time they must be supervised by a club member who has been cleared to fly alone; until the Committee decide otherwise.
C9 Attention is drawn to the care of young people and the safety rules and recommendations shown in the current BMFA Members’ Handbook. Any young person (under the age of 18 years) wishing to fly at the field must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a Parent, Guardian or a responsible person appointed by the Parent or Guardian. If flying instruction is required this should only be done by an Instructor who has obtained the Parent’s/Guardian’s consent.
C10 All able members are expected to acquaint themselves with the maintenance of all club equipment and facilities and help carry out any work necessary. Equipment must be checked before use and any faults must be corrected before damage takes place. No grass other than the runways should be cut and cuttings should be deposited only in the designated area.
D1 The control and compliance to UK law of 2.4 GHz transmitters will be the sole responsibility of the operator.
D2 A 35MHz pegboard is available for pilots flying on that frequency band. However, if the pegboard is not used all pilots must take extra care to avoid a clash of frequencies. If the pegboard is used it should be checked for its full complement of 35MHz pegs. Pegs must be returned to the pegboard after use. Pilots who are ready to fly have frequency peg priority.
Transmitter aerials must always be collapsed whilst in the pits.
D3 In the interest of safety, frequencies on the 27 MHz band should not be used on the flying field at any time, with the exception of Park Flyers as defined in the current BMFA Members Handbook.
D4 In line with the BMFA hand book it is recommended that mobile telephones are not used in the pit or pilot standing area.
D5 Most R/C systems have a built in Failsafe System to avoid a ‘flyaway’ if the radio signal is lost or interference is detected. If your equipment has this feature it is against the law not to have it set properly. Failure to understand and use this feature properly could lead to fatal injury. No model should be flown if there is any doubt about either a clear understanding of what will happen if interference is present or a clean signal is lost, or at the recovery of that signal, or how the feature is programmed into your transmitter. It is therefore necessary to set this on your transmitter for each and every model programmed into the memory. If interference is experienced or the radio signal is lost, your model will be out of control, but the engine/motor should immediately go to low throttle. Members will be expected to demonstrate this feature is operating properly at any time if asked to do so by any member of NASA or the BMFA.
D6 Models must be flown safely at all times within the recommendations of the BMFA. Noise must be kept to a minimum and any action that can achieve even quieter models must be encouraged by all members. (Our flying field facilities are quite extraordinary within the area and should be recognised as such by all members, and be preserved). Do not fly models which are too large, too noisy or too fast and unsuitable for our flying field. Find a club that can safely cater for that type of model.
D7 Always start the take-off run at the threshold of the runway, unless, for safety reasons, it is necessary to move up the runway to avoid the model passing other pilots standing in the pilot area. Hand launched models must be launched from the active runway in a safe manner. Always check to make sure it is safe and the runway and approach is clear before proceeding, or taxiing your model, onto the runway. Pilots already flying should acknowledge all requests to launch or to take off.
D8 All pilots must familiarise themselves with the allowable flying areas and the No-Fly Zones shown on the Flying Field Map (see separate leaflet). Models must not be flown across Woodsetts Road or beyond a line from the main entrance of our field in a Northerly direction to the western end of Swinston Hill wood. Keep as far away from the road and noise boundaries as possible.
D9 Pilots who have called “Landing” have precedence over those about to take off. Pilots who call “Dead Stick” have priority over all other models that are flying, or are about to fly, in order to allow that pilot to attempt a landing on the runway.
D10 Pilots, or other members who are not actually flying, who wish to gain access to, or to cross, the active runway (for instance, to hand launch or retrieve a model) whilst at least one model is being flown must inform the pilot(s) still flying of their intention and obtain permission to so do. Members who are on the active runway whilst models are being flown must be aware that a “Dead Stick” or other emergency landing may be called at any time and be prepared to vacate the runway immediately. When members leave the runway they must inform the pilot(s) still flying that the active runway is clear.
D11 No flying is permitted whilst the runway grass is being cut.
D12 Running-in of engines should be carried out downwind of the pit area, cars and club house, and be as far away as practicably possible.
D13 Cars must be parked in the designated area adjacent to the club house.
D14 It was agreed at the AGM 2023 that the Gate/Chain across the entrance to the field should be closed/replaced whilst we are on the field.
SUNDAY 11.00am to 7.00pm
SATURDAY 11.00am to 5.00pm
Extended to 7:00pm for all electric powered aircraft and training aircraft (electric or internal combustion powered) whilst under the supervision of a gate key holder.
WEEKDAYS 11.00am to 8.30pm
Club forms and leaflets available in the club house:
2. Application to become a member of the club.
3. Application to fly unsupervised.