Club Photos

  • Our new gate
  • 12:15pm 14 May 2023

    We added to the number of models in the air for the BMFA record attempt

  • Wednesday BBQs
    The good weather has encouraged this weekly meet – photograph John Morton
  • Andy’s Spin Doctor

  • NASA Secretary at the BMFA Centenary celebrations – BMFA Buckminster 14 July 2022

    Photograph: Angela Tallett

    Click here to see other photographs from the weekend

  • Bob’s Mustang
  • Tony’s computer printed model
    First computer printed model in the club

  • Matt’s latest F3A model

    Sodalith – Designed by Wolfgang Matt – Produced by Hui Yang – Adverrun Contra drive – OptiPower Lipos.

  • BMFA AGM 2021
    Held in the afternoon before the trophy presentation dinner in the evening.
  • Bob’s latest – Radial Rocket
  • Hello to Andrew on his return to our club after many years
  • BMFA Nationals 2019

    Congratulations to Matt Hoyland again for his 6th consecutive British Champion crown.  RAF Barkston Heath 2019

  • BMFA Nationals 2017

    Congratulations to John Morton for winning the BMFA National Championship Clubman schedule and to Matt Hoyland who won the BMFA F3A National Championships Champion title for the fourth time.

  • August 2017 – Neil Brayshaw is flying Paul’s Wot 4
  • May 2017 Justin Clarke has prepared one of the models to be flown at our club field donated by Paul and the late Norman Hindley.
  • Seen at the field. Spring 2017
  • Seen at the club meeting – both models brought by Jack.
  • Bob own design for the Winter of 2015 – 2016
  • John’s very neat IC to Electric conversion of the ZN Line Fashion
  • February 2016 – Sunday afternoon at NASA
  • Mike has a new cap
    We lost Mike in 2015 after a short illness. Mike was a well liked member who first
    joined the club around 1985, and will be sadly missed.
  • Repairs in progress after an attempted break in.
    Thank you: John H, Charlie K. Neil B and Mike W.
  • Summer at last.
    Summer at last 06 07 2013 – Where are most of the pilots? ………………………..
    ………….. around the BBQ – enjoy. Summer at last 2013
  • Scale Day
    Winner Jack Parker’s Aeronca
    Jack waiting for the judges
    Jack receiving his trophy

    Roy Durman presents Jack with his trophy.  We lost Roy to a short illness in December 2015.

    Roy was an long time friend of the club and an enthusiastic committee member.  He will be missed.

  • One of the good days in 2012
  • First flight – Krill Spark evo 1 – Hacker C50 – Optipower Lipos
  • What else would 8 intelligent members do on a wintry Sunday afternoon.
    No paste board has every received as much attention!
  • 2010
    First flight – SebArt Wind S Pro.  Hacker Q80.
     Puss Moth G- ABYU – Only 35meg gives it away …. why!
     Lancair – impressive flyer!
    Not often you get the change to look down on a A380.
     Final approach two – four – zero.
    Short final two – four – zero.
    Harvard on final approach.
     Final approach two – four – zero.
  • The camera was neglected for more time than I realised. Here are a few shots from 2010
    Pleasure flight anyone?
    Flying the old faithful on a perfect afternoon.
     Always good to see scale models being flown successfully.
    CAModel Osmose designed by Christophe Paysant-le Roux.  Hacker C50 13 wind.
    Axiome EP from Oxai. Designed by Christophe Paysant-le Roux.  Hacker C50 13 wind.
    ZN Line Xigris.  Hacker C50 13 wind.
    Kevin’s Wayfairer.
  • Taxi trials for the C47
    Kevin’s long term project is coming to an end. Built from the Topflight Kit
    Two OS 52 four strokes.
    Stan’s ‘recycled’ airliner in the background
    Two OS 52 four strokes, retracts and flaps
  • Congratulations to Steve and Mark on passing their ‘B’
    A happy day with thanks to John Bridgett making the trip from Retford Model Flying Club to take the lead examiner for Mark and Steve. The weather was perfect later in the day, but when the tests were taken there was a stiff breeze straight down the runway.
    Steve’s ‘B’ with his Sebart Angel ‘S’ and standard Hacker power train
    Mark’s ‘B’ with his Sebart Katana with OS 61 conversion.
  • Easter Sunday and Monday at the Field
    Graham with Kyosho Spitfire Enya 120 FS – retracts and flaps
    Perseverance by Stan is paying off with many good landings, even though his experimental aircraft have not made it easy.
    No wonder Phil has a smile on his face after going solo this weekend.
    Bobs latest performs well with OS 120 FS
  • The morning shift when we cleared the hedgerow.
    Three hours hard labour for the morning shift.
  • A white start to 2009
    There was a time when we would clear this so we could fly.  On many occasions it went dark on us before the first flight.
  • Not all Sebart Angels, there are a couple of Katanas as well.
    First flights are always good to get behind you. OS 60 2 stroke.
    Sebart Angel 50s – Both standard Hacker/Flight Power setup.
    Sebart Katana 50s  IC conversion for OS 52 Four stroke.
  • Snow showers all around with occasion white fluffy clouds over the field.
    Steve looks happy about his first venture into electric flight
    Nearly two ounces saved by fitting a new spinner to Matt’s Oxalys.  The ‘Old’ ZN Line aluminium spinner weighed just 86 grams
  • New for 2008
    Multiplex Cularis  Good combination – excellent climb and duration
  • Preparing for the last flights of 2007
    Twin ducted fan electric G15 (F15?)
    Twister and Super Sixty – both performing well in the still air of an almost perfect December day
    Seb Art Angel S – proved to be impressive – Hacker A50-16s Outrunner, X70 SBec-Pro Controller. Flight Power Lipos –  Evo 25 3700mAh 6s,  APC 16 x 10e propeller.
  • Summer at last and a successful day for all
    Steve’s Ben Buckle Super Sixty with Ailerons – OS 40 Fourstroke – Futaba 2.4 GHz
    Oxaly 50 – OS 70 fourstroke, waiting to drag Steve away from his Super Sixty
    Ben Buckle Super Sixty with ailerons and OS 40 fourstroke.
    ZN Oxalys – Hacker C5013xl – Flight Power Evo Lite F3A 5350mAh Cells
    Measuring for canaliser fit.  4th FAI at GBR/CAA Championships 2007
    Phil’s introduction to electric power
    Tea Break
    Discussion time
    Exercise time
  • 18 June 2007
    Life Member
    Father’s Day
    Smart Move – the BBQ I mean.
  • Preparation and test flying the Sheffield Hallam entries for the BMFA Universities Heavy Lift Challenge 2007.

    See the BMFA web site for more details of the Heavy lift Challange

    Bob’s class of 2007
    Nervous smiles in anticipation of maiden flight
    Last minute adjustments
    Go on Stuart!………… while Bobs not looking
    Combined efforts
    It flies – and what’s more we made it and it’s back on the ground safe and sound.
  • At the field 1st June 2007. After a full week of testing and Flying
    Oxalys from the ZN line basic kit
    After each flight data is downloaded for performance and battery management
  • Club Night
    Serious business but plenty of help
     Dakota from the Top Flight Kit.  Twin OS 52 Four strokes. 
    Dakota from the Top Flight kit.  Twin OS 52 four strokes
     ……………………. and I’ve made it. 
    Extra, Dakota and Oxalys, all new for this season. 
  • Pete’s Pup from Flair kit – OS52 four stroke
  • Our club trainer gets some attention and Kevin shows off the progress on his Dakota.
    Huge effort to get the Dakota to this stage from the Topflight kit.  Two OS 52 four strokes. Looks as though you used the same paint for Pete’s car and your jumper
    Rudder gets close inspection. 
  • 5th and 8th April 2007
    AcroMaster Hacker (outrunner) and 3 cell Lipos. Performs really well in the light breezes around on the day of his first flight
    Running in 8 April 2007
  • Action on the field 15 October 2006
    Tim is starting to take up weight lifting but his Glens Cap 232 (30% scale) flies well on a Zenoah 62cc petrol with smoke system .
    Kyosho Oxalys with caniliser fitted, ready to practice the FAI F07 schedule.  Proved to be capable on a YS 63 fourstroke.
    Peter is such an important part of the day, delivering beverages to the pits, and it is usually service with a smile but I caught him unawares here, sorry Peter.
    Paul and Tim (Cessna 185 – 108″ wingspan with Fuji 50cc petrol) discussing the take off procedure,
    as the action shot above shows they decided on a curling action release.
    Bob is checking the tappets after fitting new parts to his OS 91  engine.
  • Smiles all round – 8 and 14 October 2006
    Smiles of Success and some relief  after the first flight 14 October 2006
    Smiles of Success, 14 October 2006
    Kyosho Oxalis 50 – YS 63 – 8 October 2006
    Starting for a good flight and perfect landing, 14 October 2006
  • Tony and Charlie receive their BMFA ‘A’ Certificates
    Tony with his chief instructor receiving his BMFA ‘A’ Certificate at the field on the 17th September 2006
    Charlie receives his BMFA ‘A’ certificate at the club meeting on the 18 September 2006
  • NASA at the BMFA National Championships – RAF Barkston Heath 26/27/28 August 2006
    Saturday evening free flight.  If you have never experienced this it is difficult to understand the atmosphere.  Anything up to a hundred models being flown.  This model is at least fifteen years old and only flown at the Nats.  Made from the original plan of a Hobbies Champion bought in 1957 and fitted with an original ED Bee, (click for photo. Not the original as this one was bought off e-bay last year).

    A couple of years later after a successful flight this model was stolen before it could be retrieved. It was replaced by an identical model which is still flyable today. 2022.

  • At the field
    Arron made a controlled landing on the main runway after a really good flight
  • 16th 17th June 2006
  • The first really good flying day in 2006
    Matt was experimenting with a Canalizer on his Synergy
    We had a visit from the Ted Newsum, who was the first person to fly multi channel R/C in the Sheffield area
    Bob with this years heavy lift team from Sheffield Hallam University
    Kevin with his twin trainer
  • Brian’s latest in his quest to build a bigger fleet than the Navy

    Brian D Passmore

    I am sorry to say this was the last time we saw Brian at the field with a model. Brian was a dedicated and enthusiastic modeller and returned home to make some modifications but died after a short illness before he could fly the model.
  • Peter presents Kevin with his ‘A’ Certificate
    Peter’s patient training has been much appreciated by Kevin who has been anxious to pass his BMFA ‘A’ certificate for some time. Club members gather to add their congratulations on a very windy Sunday
  • Action on the field 16/17 July 2005
    Tim bringing Paul’s 95″ Cessna in on final approach.  MVVS 160 petrol.
    Bob after his first flight with the P51.  OS 120 four stroke. Retracts and flaps
    Armchair flying – Brian is at the centre of a deep discussion with Rob and Roy and doesn’t even have to look at the model
    MK Synergy from the Balsa kit.  YS 63  12 x 7 APC.  2 x JR 7005s on Ailerons, JR 8236s on elevator and rudder, with a JR342 on throttle.
     Profilm wing and tailplane, two-pack on fuselage, 6lb 2oz dry.  (1 lb too heavy  but still performs well).  Nicest kit you are ever likely to see.
      Only hardware supplied is one wing bolt (only one is required!). This means you can equip the model with your choice of undercarriage and fittings.
    Matt’s re-engined Majestic (YS 140 Dingo, 16 x 12 APC) and the re-engined No 1 Synergy (YS160 Dingo 17 x 12 APC).
     Both running on 30% Cool Power .
    On the hottest day of the year.  Roy keeping his model cool in true ‘Fosters tradition’.
  • British Model Flying Association Proficiency Certificates

    Two members completed their ‘B’ Certificates, Bob Nash on the 29 May and Roy Durman on the 7 June. 

    Two members completed their ‘A’ Certificates, Nick Champion on the 17 June, and Tim Turner on the 19th June.

    Congratulations to all, well done!

    Roy with the two BMFA examiners after achieving his ‘B’, on the best day for weather of the year. 7 June 2005.
    Nick passed his British Model Flying Association ‘A’ Proficiency Certificate on his Granddad’s 90th birthday.
    It seemed fitting that he was at the field to present Nick with his Certificate.
  • Keith our latest member OS 46 VMAR Hornet
  • Twin petrol ?????
    I think someone mentioned 50cc petrol’s but I think I might be wrong
    Back to the drawing board
  • Kevin with his Speed Air 40 and MDS 40
  • Brian’s ‘A’ Certificate presented at the field
    Brian was encouraged to take his ‘A’ by grandson Matthew. 
    Once presented with his certificate Brian took off to practice for his ‘B’ with renewed determination.
  • A sunny and very hot afternoon.

    Matthew’s new Synergy had its first flight.  Nick made some good landings with his Cub.  Stan’s electric Cub and  the all moving tail plane on his OD from (empty) beer cans provided much entertainment in the air, assisted by Roy.

    Nine months in the build and some 9ozs lighter than Synergy No 1. YS 140DZ 15 x 13 APC prop
    Spot the model!  A good flight followed by an excellent landing. Piper Cub OS 40 LA
    A delightful little electric Piper Cub
    Own design twin electric power used empty beer cans for the fuselage.  Over the months we have seen different tail planes on this model.
    This tail plane was all moving which created a bit of a flutter in the air.
    The lower 3 photos are at the NASA flying field but the models would look at home in ‘Area 51’
  • ZN Line Fashion

    N Line Fashion before the disaster (thought to be pilot error, later found to be aileron extension leads broken within the plastic sleeveing).  Centre and right:  Original tailplane and rudder, 3 part wing repaired + 4 ozs, new fuselage finished as original but red on the top of the fuz brought forward to give what I think is a more balanced colour scheme, polyester basecoat and two pack clear finish.  Profilm wing and tailplane.  YS DZ140 Dingo, 15 x 13 APC prop


  • At the club field

    Nice to see one member happy and why shouldn’t he be. Roy with his own design ‘oldie’ with OS 90 FS.  Brushed finish, looks the part and flies well.  John enjoys low speed aerobatics with his Smart Move.

    Roy’s own design Yorkshire version of ‘Hey You’. 
    His number two model after returning to model aircraft after a long rest.
    Roy should be even happier now he has finished fitting all those rivets in the new cowling, but he obviously has other things on his mind.
    John’s low flying is of a higher standard than the photographer!
    John’s low flying is still of a higher standard than the photographer! But both are getting better, sharper photo lower low pass – the next shot, both got it just perfect but the film ran out!
  • Sheffield Hallam University entry for the heavy lift challenge at Elvington 6 June 2004 is test flown by Bob Nash at our field
    Bob and one of his team test flying the SHU entry for the University Heavy Lift Challenge 2004. Expected to lift 6 Kilos or more with standard Irvine 40
    Sheffield Hallam University BAE/BMFA heavy lift challenge 2004

    The model weighs in at 2.5 kg and is expecting to lift at least 6 kg on a standard Irvine 40.  The laser cut ribs appear in a photograph lower down the page, the unusual under cambered wing section can be clearly seen.

  • My latest ARTF, 1 to 1 A380.

    Wings not ready but I have plenty to be getting on with.

    Note double deck is just visible through RH (red) fuselage end cover.  Pretty good scale detail!

  • Sukhoi – Fuji 50 cc Raven Quadra 35 cc both petrol
  • 24 April 2004 at the field
    Norman said he would as soon as Paul got his ‘A’ and here is the proof.
  • March 2004 Club Meeting
    Bobs new Graupner Extra 300, OS 91 4 stroke, receives some attention at the March club meeting
    Laser cut ribs for the Sheffield Hallam University heavy lift entry to the British Aerospace/BMFA University Challenge 2004.
    What appears to be a ‘black shadow’ on the ribs is in fact the ‘burn marks’ left by the laser cutter, superb quality and so precise.
  • Keith – ZN Line Synergy 90 – YS 110 – JR PCM9X Tx
    Look at my new PCM9x tranny
  • Paul’s shinny new Wot4 – Irvine 46, on a wet Saturday afternoon.
    Paul preparing for his first flight.
    That first flight is getting closer
    Just no excuses left – it flew well
  • Tim with his Raven and Quadra 35 petrol
    Impressive flyer.  Bit of a hooligan really.  The models quite lively as well!
  • At the club field
    Bob with his Hype 3D  OS46
    Two generations,  the third, Brian is sunning himself in warmer climes whist Matthew, our newest and youngest member receives assistance from Dad, David.
    ‘Fashion’ made in the ZN line factory and fitted with a YS 140 DZ. At the club field 25 January 2004 before my first flight
    Previously this was owned by Kevin Caton and had flown in International competition at home and abroad.

  • Paul’s Lancair with MVVS 160 petrol
    Paul’s Lancair with MVVS 160 petrol.
    Paul’s MVVS 160 petrol.  State of the art electronic ignition and Walbro carb
  • Paul Dack receiving his A Certificate
  • Nationals 2001
    A 7.00am start on the Monday and transport to the flight line.
    Standard Schedule – Presentation by Kath Watson FSMAE (Chairman BMFA)
    Senior Schedule presentation
    Masters won by Richard Howarth of Doncaster
    The Yvonne Weller Trophy
    Sam Wragg’s Smaragd in the foreground.
  • Sunday 5th August 2001
    Paul Dack and his Tiger Trainer.
    Club Gathering
  • Ashbourne Aerobatic Competition
  • Photos from GBRCAA competition at Skelbrooke Doncaster

    Matt did it again on Sunday at Skelbrooke.  Came 2nd in standard, this time beating the winner of the last comp by half of one point. and getting promotion points to fly the Senior schedule next year.  I was dogged with engine cuts; best excuse I could find.  Thanks to Peter for his support on a cold and very windy day.  

  • Club Meeting
    Roy Durmans VMAR ARTF Mustang
    Kevins T180
    Bob Nash and his Robin HR 200 for a OS FS91 Surpass
    Ashley Hoyland’s Excelsior 2000.  Neil’s new Barfly in the background.
  • Bit of a wet start!
  • From the Photo Album

Woodsetts Road 1979
Richard with his Dominator
Scale day 1980

NASA Scale day around 1976