Action on the field 15 October 2006

Tim is starting to take up weight lifting but his Glens Cap 232 (30% scale) flies well on a Zenoah 62cc petrol with smoke system .
Kyosho Oxalys with caniliser fitted, ready to practice the FAI F07 schedule.  Proved to be capable on a YS 63 fourstroke.
Peter is such an important part of the day, delivering beverages to the pits, and it is usually service with a smile but I caught him unawares here, sorry Peter.
Paul and Tim (Cessna 185 – 108″ wingspan with Fuji 50cc petrol) discussing the take off procedure,
as the action shot above shows they decided on a curling action release.
Bob is checking the tappets after fitting new parts to his OS 91  engine.