Application for a Gate Key.
These forms are available in the club house
I will not fly if there is any doubt that a flight cannot be completed safely in accordance with the BMFA guide lines. I understand the BMFA advice against flying alone. I am aware accidents have happened which would make it difficult to drive a car or get assistance.
Extract from club rules: In accepting a gate key you are responsible for the field whilst you are there and other key holders would share that responsibility whilst present, in addition key holders should consider themselves authorised by the committee to give such supervision to others as necessary in order to comply with club rules. Such supervision should include ensuring proof of insurance (see Rule C8), a clear understanding of field safety, the airworthiness of the models, and assessment of any pilots ability.
Date ____________________
Name _________________________________________ BMFA No ______________
Signature ______________________________________
I agree to abide by the club rules and those of the BMFA and fully understand my responsibility toward our sport, our club, my fellow members and in particular our concerns about safety, noise, and the implications of the failsafe mode used on transmitters. I also understand the BMFA’s views concerning juniors.
It is now my responsibility to make sure my engine is fitted with a proper silencer and propeller which will keep the noise to a minimum. I realise there may be no one else around to advise and that it is of particular importance if I have a new model or change a propeller. Any indiscretions could lead to loss of our field so I accept that reducing noise may lead to a small drop in performance of the model.
I understand that this key should not be duplicated or loaned to anyone for any reason. Any one who asks should be referred to the secretary.
BMFA Proficiency Achievement Scheme Level: _______________________________________
This form handed to: _________________________________________ Dated __________
Agreed at the Committee Meeting: Signed _______________________ Dated____________
Comments (normally this section will remain blank) ____________________________________
Club Records updated ____________________________ Secretary Date ____________
Gate Key received ____________________________ Date ____________
Form 4 ACH/NASA 2022